An Unbreakable Will: The Journey of Empowerment and Perseverance – Balancing Motherhood and Graduation at 23.

Montoya Major, a young achiever at the age of 23, is on the brink of reaching a momentous milestone as she prepares to receive her degrees from Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. On the special day of August 16th, she will proudly graduate with not only a bachelor’s degree in Cardiovascular Sonography but also a master’s degree in health science. This significant achievement marks the culmination of her inspiring academic journey.


The situation is considered remarkable, especially since she successfully accomplished all her educational goals while consistently having her twins accompanying her.


In a gleeful display of happiness and triumph on social media, Major openly shared her experience of almost giving up when she found out she was already five months pregnant in 2017. This revelation occurred during the same year when she embarked on her academic journey at Nova Southeastern University.


“I was ready to throw in the towel, I kid you not! The Devil seriously had me in his clutches,” exclaimed Major on her Facebook profile. She went on to express how utterly unprepared she was for the whirlwind experience that awaited her on this rollercoaster ride of a journey. The program initially kicked off with a group of 26 individuals, and now, as it nears its end, only 17 of us will proudly walk across that graduation stage.”


Additionally, Major shares the experience of feeling overwhelmed when she found out that she was expecting a baby. She recalls how her program director advised her to put the program on hold in 2017 and resume it in 2018, allowing her to finish her degree at a later time.


In addition, she expressed that she knew it would be nearly impossible for her to complete her tasks while caring for two young infants. “However, I made sure to attend class every single day, right up until the moment I gave birth to my two daughters. Honestly, I was determined to finish,” Major confidently stated.


In the month of May 2018, an incredible event occurred when a pair of charming twins entered this world through a C-section procedure. Their arrival was truly remarkable, showcasing immense determination. It goes without saying that Major, the mother, deserves recognition and appreciation for her immense strength and perseverance.

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